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Jun 2, 2021

11 Simple Ways To Lower Your Air Conditioning Bill This Summer

simple ways to lower air conditioning bill

Summer is here, and with it come rising electric bills as you fight to keep your home cool. 

There is a direct correlation between outdoor temperature and your energy usage. Your bill increases the hotter it gets outside because you’re consuming more energy – your A/C is running longer to keep your home cool. During the summer, your A/C runs twice as long as it does in cooler months to keep your home at the same temperature, which can result in a higher bill than usual.

So how can you resist the heat without breaking the bank? Luckily, there are many ways to optimize air conditioning efforts and costs — here are 11.

1. Upgrade your windows

If your home has old windows, they might not be energy efficient. You can cut the costs of cooling your home by installing new energy-efficient windows. With more efficient windows, you also use less energy, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and homes. Some upfront cost is involved, but you’ll make it up in the long run with lower bills.

2. Seal your windows

Poorly sealed windows leak air, which makes your air conditioning system work harder. Making sure there are no leaks or cracks and weather-stripping your windows will prevent cool air from leaking out of your windows. This is a simple step that can go a long way.

3. Install a programmable thermostat

Programmable thermostats are very popular nowadays. They reduce energy usage by adjusting temperatures while you’re away or asleep. You can raise or lower the temperature (or turn it off or on) while you’re away from home—or even from bed on a cold morning—thanks to the compatible app. Most programmable thermostats track your energy usage and help you figure out why you’re using the amount you are, which can help you adjust your usage to be more efficient. 

It knows when you’re home or not and will automatically raise or lower the temperature, so you’re not paying to keep an empty home at the perfect temperature.

Plus, in terms of style, it won’t clash with your decor since they tend to have a sleek modern display that’s not an eyesore on your wall. 

According to the Department of Energy, you can save up to 10% annually by adjusting your temperature by seven to ten degrees for eight hours a day. Programmable thermostats can automate the process.

4. Use ceiling fans

Ceiling fans circulate cool air, taking some of the burden off your air conditioning system. Ceiling fans can help save energy costs and increase comfort if used in conjunction with an efficient air conditioner. Use your existing ceiling fans (or install them throughout the house) to increase energy efficiency.

5. Replace your HVAC air filters

Air filters keep your HVAC system running smoothly by preventing dust from blocking your vents and promoting air circulation. If the filters are dirty, your system will have to work harder to circulate air. Check your filter regularly for an excess buildup of dirt, dust, and pet hair. How often you change the filter depends on the type of filter you have, how often you run your A/C, and the number of pets in your home.

You’ll want to replace your filters at least every few months and possibly more if you have pets or kids. Luckily, air filters are low-cost items and easy to switch by yourself.

6. Avoid cooking indoors

Cooking on an oven or stovetop generates a lot of heat, which strains your air conditioning system. Embrace the outdoors, the summer months are great for outdoor cooking, and grilling outside a couple of times a week can help. Enjoy the season and grill outside if possible to avoid overheating the inside of your home.

7. Reduce the sunlight

Direct sunlight streaming in through your windows raises the temperature of your home. By blocking the sunlight, you can reduce that effect. Planting some shade trees outside your windows can curb encroaching sunlight, while blackout shades or curtains are another low-cost option and can even decorate your room.

8. Insulate your walls and attics

Windows aren’t the only part of your home that leaks air. Attics, walls, and crawl spaces lose air as well. Professionally insulating your home is one of the best ways to increase energy efficiency. If you have an older home, this could be worth the investment. 

Unless your home was specially constructed for energy efficiency, you can probably reduce your energy bills by adding more insulation. Many older homes have less insulation than homes built today, but even adding insulation to a newer home can pay for itself within a few years.

9. Get your air conditioning system serviced

We can service your air conditioning system to keep your system working efficiently and guarantee clean air circulating your home, by clean outdoor coils, checking voltage connections, making sure the refrigerant is at proper levels, and performing tune-ups.

10.Maintain proper airflow

Maintain proper airflow by keeping interior doors and vents open to help air circulate.

11. Install solar panels

Solar panels, which are usually installed on roofs, use the sun’s energy to power a home, greatly reducing cooling costs. The price for installing these panels depends on whether they’re bought or leased, and the amount you save on your bill will depend on your energy usage and system.

Regular HVAC cleaning and maintenance will save you money and extend the lifespan of your unit. Maintaining your air-conditioner clean and functional is not only good for your pocket but also good for your health.

A properly running air conditioner runs more efficiently, thus incurring lower energy costs. It also removes excess moisture in the air, keeping you and your family comfortable, and prevents the growth of microorganisms such as mold, which can exacerbate allergies and asthma, circulating your home.

The best time to use these tips is just before the hot summer season begins.

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